Graduates of the private college in Cambridge,
Graduates of the private college in Cambridge, Massachusetts, go on to become big earners; the median salary for an MIT graduate six years after graduation is $98,100. Ten years after graduation, the typical MIT graduate brings home $173,700. Few MIT students—only 8%—take on student loan debt to attend the college, and those that do pay down their loans quickly. Each year, more than 200 graduates go on to earn a Ph.D. On the Forbes American Leaders list, which measures the leadership and entrepreneurial success of a college’s graduates, 56 people are MIT alumni. NBC texas The other colleges at the top of our list—the University of California at Berkeley, Stanford University, Princeton University and Columbia University—boast similar numbers. Noticeably absent from Forbes’ top ten this year is Harvard University, the Ivy League institution that from 2017 to 2019 reigned at the top of the rankings. android buzz We kept our methodology consistent with ...